Thesis ’ Oordeelsvorming in groepen’ (‘Judgement-formation in groups’), A.H. Bos

Judgement-formation in groups
The importance of polarity and rhythm for the development of social organisms

Serious concern about the developments in society was the deep motive of Lex Bos (1925 – 2006) that led to this Thesis ’ Oordeelsvorming in groepen’ (‘Judgement-formation in groups’), finished in 1974. With his study he wished to contribute to a more humane world (‘a world with human size and human face’).

The current turbulent and dynamic times appeal to everyone’s ability to form independent and well-considered judgements. The model Lex Bos developed in his Thesis has proven to be an unsurpassed aid in developing this ability.

In many countries all over the world people have started to work with the spiritual heritage of Lex Bos. The Board of Stichting Dialoog® receives increasing numbers of questions about the background of Dynamic Judgement-formation®.

In 1990 Stichting Dialoog was founded with the aim to ensure the authenticity and quality of the model of Dynamic Judgement-formation in connecting to its source, besides to develop the model further and to carry this into the world.

Lex Bos’ main concern was, that his model would be oversimplified and disconnected from its source with the consequence of losing its effectiveness.

This made the Board decide to publish the two most important parts of Lex Bos’  ‘Oordeelsvorming in groepen’ (‘Judgement-formation in groups’) in the English language.

To order: visit this link

Online training Dynamic Judgement-formation, starting March 16th 2023 Lees meer

Directly order from Dialogue foundation: Forming Judgements - A path to inner freedom, Lex Bos e.a. Lees meer

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