
Introvision: Introvision-v3

 Thesis ’ Oordeelsvorming in groepen’ (‘Judgement-formation in groups’), A.H. Bos

Judgement-formation in groups
The importance of polarity and rhythm for the development of social organisms

Forming judgements  –  A path to inner freedom, Lex Bos e.a.

Dynamic Judgement-formation is a practical tool that allows people to form a balanced and well thought-out opinion. More…..

Urteilsbildung – Ein Weg zu innerer Freiheit, Lex Bos

Worauf gründen wir unsere Beurteilungen, Entscheidungen und Taten? Mehr…

See for other publications the Dutch page!  Or order directly…


Online training Dynamic Judgement-formation, starting March 16th 2023 Lees meer

Directly order from Dialogue foundation: Forming Judgements - A path to inner freedom, Lex Bos e.a. Lees meer

The english version of this website is under construction! We will gradually add new text and information. Thank you for visiting our new website: The english version of this website is under construction! We will gradually add new text and information. Lees meer